Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bioenergy Bulletin, May 2009

Sponsored by the San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization (SJVCEO) http://www.sjvcleanenergy.org

Purpose of the May 2009, Bioenergy Bulletin: To identify internet-based learning opportunities that advance knowledge about biomass to energy systems. From basic information using the Bioenergy Wiki to technology and systems operation courses using remote learning from Sweeden’s Vaxjo University . 

 Welcome to BioenergyWiki

Sharing Knowledge for the Future of Bioenergy



Vaxjo University . 

Courses in Bioenergy Technology via Distance learning:

Fall semesters, September through Christmas, two courses offered on a regular basis:
- Base level course, 7.5 ECTS, "Bioenergy Technology".
This is an introductory course requiring no special previous knowledge in the subject, so as long as you are eligible for university level studies in any natural science or engineering discipline in your home country you are eligible for this course. 
- Advanced level course, 7.5 ECTS, "Assessment of biomass resources (for energy)"
This is advanced level and to be eligible for this course you have to have at least a Bachelor degree in science or technology/engineering. 

Spring semesters - from January through May, we also offer two courses on a regular basis:
- Base level course, 7.5 ECTS, "Sustainable energy supply"
This course introduces all the different types of sustainable energy production systems - not only bioenergy systems.
- Advanced level course, 7.5 ECTS, "Unit operations in Bioenergy Systems"
This course covers the different unit operations - harvesting/collection, communications, storage, all the way through until the delivery of final energy to the customer.

Look at the Admission Requirements and How to apply @ http://www.vxu.se/english/students/nonexchange/course_studies/application_process/admission_requirements/

Non-Swedish students must supply transcripts to verify having completed upper secondary education.

For direct information contact: Björn Zethræus, professor in Bioenergy technology bjorn.zethraeus@vxu.se


Vaxjo University . 

Bioenergy Technology and Bioenergy Business Development Course

The aim of this course is to create a study group to assess the potential to create a modern, local, biofuel-based energy solution in The San Joaquin Valley Region of California!

Who should be interested in this course?

This course is given only to order and it is given only to local, dedicated, study groups who actually want to do a case study for their own region. To order this course, you have to put together a study group containing entrepreneurs, local politicians and potential financiers who would be interested in actually doing a project and establishing a local biofuel-based energy system. This course consists of three exercises/assesments to be done and reported about the local energy needs, about the local fuel resources and about the local infrastructure available and aims at getting the local system started. This course is called "Fundamentals of Bioenergy Technology and Bioenergy Business". Björn Zethræus

The concept is for people in the SJV region to create their study group and produce a biomass industry development roadmap. 

This course is given on order and on a strict commercial basis.  As soon as a relevant study group is formed - this course can be ordered.

However, since the course aims at actually getting the local systems started, it will ONLY be given if a study group contains entrepreneurs who actually run the business AND local politicians to actually give the necessary permissions AND potential financiers to actually put up the money. Unless these three groups of actors are members of the group there will finally not be any project running - and in that case we are not interested in giving the course. Björn Zethræus

There are three assessments/reports to be done:

The first, is to assess energy demand in the chosen area. During this phase the instructor establishes a discussion forum via internet for the study group to avoid overlooking items.  The instructor - who does not know the local situation – will request full information from the group.  

Once the real needs are analyzed the group writes a report and mails to instructor.

The second assessment is about the biomass resources and the infrastructure. This time the group shall identify the actual resources at hand - where are they, when are they available, what about transportation and locale for intermediate storage, etc.  Which companies might take responsibility for transport, will the community give planning permission to these projects, etc. 

This is why community officers and entrepreneurs are necessary in the group. Again we run a dialog about these things. Björn Zethræus

Once you've analyzed the necessary infrastructure - again you write a report and mail to the instructor.

The third assessment is to identify the technology best suited to get you from the resources identified in task 2 to the results identified in task 1 and also to identify if the biomass resource needs to be upgraded and in that case how and to what form.  Which local companies can now provide the technology and/or the equipment needed, what incentives are available to activate investments. 

Again we have a dialog running throughout, and you write a third report.
Björn Zethræus  

In the end you have three reports identifying the needs, the resources and the necessary technology to actually do the project you identified from the beginning. 

The group who did the reports/case-study will have a common basis and common understanding for the pros and cons with the project and they will all have a common terminology.

Since the group consisted of entrepreneurs and financiers - both of which want to make a profit - and of local politicians, you will have taken political as well as local economic factors into account while doing the plans. So if the three reports are more-or-less just stapled together you will have a fairly complete action plan for the actual project. Björn Zethræus


Hey Bloggers!

Please share your thoughts and ideas regarding the possibility of establishing a study group to undertake the before mentioned course.  Contact: ricardoamon@sbcglobal.net